Mini Session

Perfect way to update your headshots, capture sweet moments with your family, or celebrate any occasion!


5-10 images

15 minutes shooting

One location


Thank you from the deepest, truest part of me for the photos you took. 

I am so eternally grateful for the way you held me and witnessed me during the photoshoot. I, much to my surprise, love the photos so much. 

You are such a light in this world. I feel like I learned so much about what it means to be soft and open just spending time with you during the retreat. 

I hope our paths cross again 

Love, Michelle M.”

So you’re excited to make art with your love, or you want to explore what it feels like to merge with the trees and be your fullest self? Let’s do it! I’m here to explore with you whether that’s off in the forest or at your favorite coffee shop.


30+ images

1+ hour shooting

Multiple locations

Full session

A Wild Unfurling portrait experience…

… is an investment into yourself. A container to explore your edges and unfurl into your most authentic and embodied self. This experience touches the rest of your life in ways beyond just this beautiful moment we will share.

What if you…

  • felt safe in your body

  • connected to the earth

  • embraced the fullness of who you are

  • shed layers of false storytelling and perceptions 

  • loved yourself deeply, just as you are

    How might your life feel then?

    Lets find out my love….

The Wild Unfurling Portrait Experience

Envisioning session

Full day excursion to multiple locations 

Earth meditation

Short recap video of experience 

Dozens of photos to immortalize your magic

Follow up integration call

A memory that will last forever