Magnetizing Love: How Movement, Embodiment, and Sisterhood Helped Me Attract My Dream Man

Have you ever been in relationships where you constantly had to set boundaries, only to watch them be trampled over?

Yes? Me too. And I want you to know something:

There are partnerships where “setting boundaries” isn’t the constant uphill battle we’ve been conditioned to accept.

There are unions where love and honor flow naturally.
There are relationships where you don’t have to educate, beg, or fight to be treated with basic respect.

For years, I didn’t know this was possible. My nervous system was left frayed and frazzled by relationships where my feelings and needs were disregarded again and again. I can still feel the emotional weight of that cycle—realizing that I not only needed boundaries but that they were rarely respected. The conclusion I drew was deep and cutting: I am not safe here.

Knowing what it feels like to not be safe in partnership has made it infinitely sweeter to be where I am now.

✨ Deeply in love with a deeply honorable man.

✨ A man who doesn’t just respect me—he sees me.

✨ A man with whom “setting boundaries” isn’t even a thing because his care and presence ensure they’re never crossed to begin with.

We’re not perfect, of course. No one is. But I know one thing for certain: in his presence, my nervous system unfurls like a field of wildflowers swaying sweetly on a summer’s eve. There is ease here. Safety.

He often hears me say, “You are my dream man.” And he is.

It is possible to magnetize a partnership like this—a union so safe and nourishing that you blurt out the first time you cuddle, “You feel like home.”

But the truth is, the seeds of this love weren’t planted in him—they were planted in me.

How I Reclaimed My Worth

I learned from past partnerships what it feels like to be out of alignment. To feel the opposite of “home.” And, slowly but surely, I came to see my role in these relationships.

A part of me didn’t fully believe in my divinely inherited worth. I questioned my value, my beauty, and my place in this world. Consciously and unconsciously, I accepted less than I deserved.

So how did I get from there to here?

The answer for me, lies in movement, embodiment, and sisterhood.

Movement became my sanctuary—a place to feel, release, and reclaim. Through dance, I began to shake off the layers of shame and self-doubt that kept me small. The music carried me back to my body, and my body carried me back to my truth. In the alchemical container of dance, I was reminded of my power and the simple, sacred fact that I am alive and worthy of love.

Embodiment photography gave me a whole new lens through which to see myself. For so long, I had been blind to my own beauty, fixating instead on the stories of not being “enough.” I can hear my teenage self now “my hips are too big, my eyes aren’t the right color, my teeth are funny, I hate myself.” But in front of the camera—raw, exposed, and fully myself—I began to see what others had seen all along: a woman who is powerful, radiant, and whole.

The act of being witnessed in my vulnerability transformed me, and I began to witness myself with the same compassion and reverence. This is why I now hold a container for others to be witnessed. Through the illumination of photography we can all remember how perfectly imperfect we are.

And then there was sisterhood—a space that held me when I felt broken, lifted me when I doubted myself, and celebrated me as I stepped into my fullness. Through the reflection of my sisters, I saw my worth mirrored back to me. In being fully myself and deeply vulnerable I was still loved and accepted. I learned to soften and receive, to be held and supported, and to trust in the strength of women coming together.

This trifecta—movement, embodiment photography, and sisterhood—allowed me to feel my value in a way I never had before. It helped me remember the truth that had been there all along:

✨ I am worthy.

✨ I am beautiful.

✨ I am enough.

“This is so beautiful Amanda!!! You truly have a gift for this photography & whole self love & embodiment as precious, holy & sacred! You LIVE IT & it’s deeply healing to behold. Thank you for everything, all the magic joy and opening with this Embodied Reverence photoshoot! “ - Alicia

Becoming Magnetic

As I moved deeper into my self-worth, something incredible happened. The relationships I once accepted no longer felt tolerable, and I no longer felt the need to “fight” for love. I grew into  magnetic alignment with my beloved—not by doing, but by being.

The more I honored myself, the more my external reality shifted to reflect that. And then, one day, he walked into my life.

A man who felt like home.
A man who honors me as deeply as I honor myself.

So if you’re reading this, and you’re wondering whether this kind of love is possible, I want to tell you: it is. But the journey begins with you.

Start by reclaiming your worth. Find practices that bring you back to your body, whether it’s dance, photography, yoga, or something else entirely. Surround yourself with people who see and celebrate you. And most importantly, remember this:

You don’t have to fight for your worth.
You are worthy because you exist.

The love you seek is already on its way. The question is, are you ready to receive it?

I’d love to hear about your journey of embodiment, love, and how you’ve magnetized your dreams into reality.




The Remedy to Urgency Culture


Love Drenched: An Adventure Back to Who You Truly Are