Some will call it scandalous 

Some will call it boudoir

Some will call it embodiment 

I call it an unfurling into your most wild and radically innocent truth.

We are born into these vessels for a short time, held and nourished by this earth.

How else to celebrate this miracle than feel our naked skin upon the ground?

To revel at the sensation of wind on our hearts and moss under our feet?

This wild unfurling… this is my invitation to you.

Hi friend,

I’m Amanda, and I’m your photographer. Some people ask me why I’m naked all the time… and if I’m honest…it’s because it feels completely natural to me. I believe the shame that society puts on our human form is misguided and keeps up from being our fullest self. There are few things more liberating than to feel safe to be and express in our bodies. I love capturing the human form nude in nature, because I love being nude in nature. There is a special kind of aliveness to feel the wind in our hair and the sun on our thighs. The tickle of water and the warmth of sunshine on bare skin. Let’s return to ourselves and this miraculous earth we inhabit, shall we?

To every human who has trusted me to witness you in your most wild unfurling. Thank you. It is an honor.