Sensual Innocence

If you’re reading this blog, then it’s likely you know that I am a photographer and that most of my images are of humans naked in nature. It’s a confusing genre of art to be in because… well. Some people immediately think that because the subjects are naked it’s about sex…and it’s not.

While I am innately a sexual being (like you) the innocence of this work is of equal power.

I like to call my work the intersection between sensuality and innocence. 

You see, we live in a world where life exists because of sex. Reproduction is the very foundation of life. And the shame or obsession we may feel about our sensual natures is misguided at best.

We come from this creation (creative) life force and it is so deeply natural and innate. So, how could this innate naturalness be anything other than innocence?

Do we shame a flower for having pollen that fertilizes another flower? Or for the seeds and plant children that come thereafter? Or, do we hide an unnatural obsession with the fact that flowers exist because of this pollen reproduction process?

I mean. I haven’t met someone who does, so maybe….maybe it’s just natural? And in being natural there is an innocence to that simple existence.

So, what do we do with this information? When we recognize we don’t need to hide our sensual nature? That our sensual nature is innocent?

I’ve found that it is very powerful to cycle this energy through my body, simply for me. This creation life force energy is literally just that. Creation. Creative. Creativity.

If you are familiar with the chakra system you will know that the sacral chakra, second from the bottom and the color orange, is our creative life force center. Sexual energy resides here, but if we zoom out a little bit, we see that it’s really just creation energy that resides here.

It is with this creation energy that we can birth new realities for ourselves. It’s why sex magic is so powerful. When we use this naturally present energy, the energy of LIFE wanting to exist, we are better able to anchor our desires into this world.

So here is my invitation to you. Embrace that you are a sensual being and have the innate power to CREATE the life of your dreams. Harness and integrate this energy for YOU so that you can:

Write that book

Attract a partner

Open your own restaurant

Make an incredible meal

See yourself in nature

Or, simply revel in the magically creative being that you are.

Because you are.



8 Reasons Why Nude Photography is Perfect for feeling Embodied this Winter